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Daylily Bela Lugosi 5.5"

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  • Widely regarded as one of the best purple daylilies on the market. 6", saturated true purple flowers with a lime green throat. Very sunfast for such a dark color A strong grower, well-branched, and heavily budded.
  • Live plants are only available for curbside pickup at our location or delivery within Saskatoon. Live plants cannot be shipped outside of Saskatoon safely due to unregulated temperatures in the transportation methods used by shipping companies. If you have requested curbside pick-up you will receive a secondary email notifying you when your plants are ready to be picked up.

    Please pick up your plant within 48 hours of being notified that it is ready for pickup!

    Daylily Bela Lugosi Care: 

    Hemerocallis 'Bela Lugosi' 
    Bela Lugosi Daylily

    Height: 3 feet
    Spread: 2 feet 
    Zone: 3


    Full sun to part-shade
    • Will thrive in bright, direct light.


    • When blooming, lilies will drink a lot of water. Otherwise, allow the top inch of soil to dry between waterings. 


    • Most potting mixes work well, as along as they provide adequate drainage! Daylilies also adapt very well to soils with a higher pH.   


    • Use an all-purpose fertilizer

    Growing Tip: Lilies attract butterflies and other friendly pollinators! 
    Note: As daylilies are apart of the same genus as most lilies, many cats and some dogs can have an adverse reaction to the pollen!

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